Crystal has passionately been learning & working in Human Wellness for 12 years

With a background in Beauty Therapy & Body Work, I moved to Melbourne from Sunny Qld in 2018. At the time I had a mission to find who I really was by trying everything completely new and from scratch.

I attented a start up business course at TAFE, with little to no idea on what I really wanted to offer other than making people feel more loved & whole. The ‘ bread and butter’ for me is always physical touch & emotional support.

So a very long winded journey through lockdowns and extreme isolation and total lack of physical or emotional support came the birth of Group Inner Dance Meditations & The Golden Ray Healing Massage.

Physically I battled an illness through my 20s of depression, chronic fatigue & Epstein Barre Virus, with alot of time and money invested in healing. After continued trial & error I began to realise that you can do ALL the physical healing you want, but when the mind is troubled & isolated it does whatever it can to keep you surviving which can be pretty extreme. A key point in healthy living I believe is that we cannot heal ourselves without the help & support of connection. Its a biological, primitive need.

During this collective worldwide self discovery of 2019 and continuing into 2024 it has become apparent that the world structures as we know it is set up for capitalist programming - constantly fighting for survival, isolation in the family unit away from community or group and communal help. It is incredibly hard to find time for social connections & genuine guilt free, timeless sharing & giving.

The objective for any of what I am offering is to provide a warm, safe & welcoming environment to bear your struggles & come back to wholeness with self and feel connection again. In my experience, finding one extra friend or person to speak to in a day can be what makes or breaks your mental health for that day!

I believe that each person we meet is a mirror to our current ideas of self that need love and compassion. When we find others that are willing to hold us and listen to help, we can heal any fragments of our spirit that have been hiding alone and start to gift that same support back to others. It is actually really simple.

My mission is to provide a service that is meaningful and helps people to find peace & wholeness and trust in others to support and cheer for them!

Golden Ray Sound & Meditation Workshops


Welcoming you to a series of meditation & inner self inspired movement events. This is a place where we pursue the desires of our consciousness, meditate on them then embody them with movement. If you have been to any previous events, you'll know they were inspired by creativity of the mind with not alot of movement. This is now about letting the body evolve, connect and move with the rhythm of thought rather than stillness.

In the session we focus on meditation to calm the mind, relax the body, any injuries or illness to make way in the body for the musical movement. Being connected to our body will allow intuitive movement to arise, to heal and express what the body has been storing. Meditation helps us drop away from ego into a safer higher sense of self acceptance and go with 'the flow'. Inner Dance is inspired by moving into Theta brain wave states, the creativity centre where we can express ourselves through movement wether it be voice or movement.

As your guide I use my own personal intent to channel and hold Golden Ray consciousness where you will be held and interconnected to each other to experience unity and love during your sessions. Any stagnant or unserving energy is released with the help of everyone elses consciousness in the room and sent back to the earth to be used for grounding and nourishment for our earth.

The ultimate purpose of the Golden Ray is to assist souls in their journey back to the One, but on a more mundane level, it manifests the qualities of peace, harmony, creativity and unconditional love. It also balances the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within. It is the Ray of God that blends the physical with the Spiritual, combining Heaven and Earth.
The Golden Ray brings you into the Now, helping you gain inner clarity and inner knowing, while opening your connection to be guided by your highest Self.

We come together in this space to:

- Connect with your community

- Find time to go within

- Being seen and heard 

- Release dis- harmony and tension from the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body

- Feel refreshed and clear headed

- Reflection time to tune into your own self mastery

- Act of Self Love

Monthly workshops are held for the community to help build connection & conscious relating to ourselves and each other for stronger social inclusion.

‘Working on the self is the most selfless act we can do for others’

The philosophy at Crystal Salmon Healing is about personal freedom & how we can empower ourselves to be in that state through self awareness.

We focus on these core values:


There is always days where we feel off centre, being accountable as your therapist means that I will always provide options and considerations to help you where you want to go - but I also expect you to take responsibility for your healing at home as well as working with me.


I understand that each healing journey is unique, my lense and approach does not work for everyone and that is ok if. Typically I have found that it takes a number of different lifestyle changes and trying many experiences to empower oneself to heal within. It is not up to anyone else to heal or save us, though we can see them as tools for guidance. Having respect for this as the goal or outcome can lead to a greater sense of self growth and management


I am careful of the information that I give is in no way disempowering, disrespectful or culturally innappropriate. Teachings and insights that I share are of open ended value and for contemplation purposes. I will never tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. This is a judgement free zone

Judgement Free

As above, our sessions are completely confidential and private. Any information you give to me will not be discussed with reference to you without your permission.

Disability Friendly

I strongly advocate human rights that is it fair and equal for all humans to have access to healthcare services. I welcome all levels of disability and enjoy working with diverse groups of people.